What is HyperCoaching

Saying that we only use a fraction of our potential may sound like one of the usual motivational cliches, but in reality we are all aware that we are living a life far below what we could live if we had the courage to step outside our “comfort zone.” “and allow ourselves to realize our full potential.

But no one tells us how we can do it, because the authors of books about success do nothing but repeat the usual formula in all possible variations: set a goal, make a plan, get to work, and if something doesn’t work, adapt the plan ( if it were that simple, you don’t understand why we’re not all millionaires, movie stars, CEOs of multinationals and I don’t know what else).

The point is, as Einstein puts it in an often quoted phrase, that problems cannot be solved at the same level of knowledge that he created them. This means that if we really want to fully express ourselves and take ourselves to a higher level, we need to change the paradigm and approach things from a different and more creative point of view.

Hyper in mathematics refers to higher dimensions; in our case, Hypercoaching™ means realizing that man is a multidimensional creature and that each dimension – physical, mental, social, financial and spiritual – interacts with the others, influences the others and is influenced by them.

Hypercoaching™ allows us to approach each of these dimensions independently and then, moving to the next level, to discover how to harmonize the system so that each element will act synergistically to help us achieve our goals. It means finding alignment with a superior guide who can show us the way.

With Hypercoaching™ you can achieve a HyperLiving, a superior dimension of existence, in which all  dimensions are integrated in a virtuous synergistic flow; a dimension in which we find HyperMotivation, HyperEnergy, HyperMastery, HyperPerformance, HyperLearning

Hypercoaching™, unlike traditional coaching which tends to focus too much on the psychological aspect, focuses on the optimization of the Physical (health, energy, fitness level), Mental (positive emotions, self-esteem, motivation), Relational (couple/family, at work, with friends)  Material (earning capacity, resource management, value creation) and Spiritual (alignment, connection with a Higer Power, meaning) aspects, to achieve the integral development of the person.

Once the blocks that do not allow the maximum expression of the potential in each of these areas have been eliminated, we focus on the interaction that these aspects have between them:
the mental component is inevitably influenced by possible problems on a physical level, as well as by problems on a financial level.
If there are mental difficulties, the social level will probably suffer as well, and consequently the financial one.

In short, by working on the different dimensions and on the way in which they interact and influence each other, we achieve the final goal, which is to put the human system in the situation of maximum effectiveness, that is, in so called « flow state. »