What is Fluxogenics

As we said, the „flow state” happens when all the components of a system are moving in the same direction and all obstacles have been removed, in this case the system is said to be in flow and it reaches its goal with minimal effort.
It is the state of maximum efficiency of a system

What is Fluxogenics

The „flow state” has often been described as something „magical” that „happens”; actually, the flow state can be broken down into some key elements; working in turn on these elements, the flow state can be produced as needed whenever a top performance is desired.
Fluxogenics is the science that studies how to create the flow state in a system

Fluxogenics: The Ten Components of Flow State

Relaxation – Relaxation is the basis of any performance. Where there is unnecessary voltage, performance decreases

Goal – You can’t achieve maximum performance if you don’t know clearly what your goal is

Mastery of technique – technical mastery is a fundamental element for any performance

The right level of difficulty – If the goal is too heavy, there is frustration, if it is too easy boredom occurs.

Clear Mind – In the same way that physical relaxation is fundamental, so is mental relaxation

Focus – at the moment of a top performance, the focus on action is an absolute necessity

Feedback – The more accurate and faster the feedback, the easier it is to adjust the action moment by moment

Energy – High energy levels are both the cause and the effect of the flow state

Alignment – Aligning stakeholders in the same direction is key to maximum, effortless performance

Connection – The more connected you are to the „external” elements, the more you feel that you are part of something bigger that you need to align with.